Spiritual Life



The Dominican College, Abuja is founded on the philosophy of education that operates on five cardinal principles, namely:

  1. respect for the dignity of every human person;
  2. appreciation of indispensability of truth and wisdom for practical daily living;
  3. promotion of integral human development;
  4. promotion of safe, secure, healthy and cordial atmosphere for teaching and learning;
  5. commitment to service for the common good of the society.

These principles shall undergird every engagement between the College and other persons and/or institutions, and they shall be the constant disposition to grooming generations of young persons, in a safe and secure environment, in the tedious task of cognitive valuation of truth, right regulation of affective powers, and application of wisdom in well-ordered psychomotor responses towards solving practical issues for both personal and societal good. Besides excellence in character and studies, the College is poised to carve a nitch and make a distinctive contribution in the area of ICT to the society.



The Dominican College, Abuja is a Catholic community of learning where:

  1. knowledge of truth is pursued, God’s life is shared and Catholic Christian values integrated into the entire syllabus, curriculum and life of the School. Thus, the “spirit of Catholicism” permeates the entire curriculum;
  2. the education received raises students in the Catholic faith and is intentionally directed to the needs and growth of the whole person, bringing together faith, life and culture;
  3. students learn, appreciate and promote the dignity of every human person, personally discover their gifts and capacities, and care for the community.